Monday, November 9, 2009

Yota WiMAX builds in Nicaragua

Company Yota, service provider access to speedy wireless Internet technology Mobile WiMAX (4G), today announced that it would begin construction of its network in Nicaragua.

In July 2009 a tender was announced on the frequency of 2,5-2,7 GHz in order to the territory of Nicaragua telecommunications services under the standard IEEE 802.16e (Mobile WiMAX). The criteria for bidders were identified experience deploying networks that standard, confirmed the presence of subscriber base, the availability of user devices, as well as the readiness to a certain volume of investment in the country. The winner of the tender was the company Yota.

Construction of the network and the provision of services will the company Yota de Nicaragua, the main beneficiary of which is the WiMAX Holding (75%), while the remaining 25% belong to the Nicaraguan company. At the initial stage of key positions in the Yota de Nicaragua took the team managers from Russia's Yota.

In September, construction began on the network in the capital of Nicaragua - Managua, home to 1.3 million of the 6 million population of the country. 3 months after the start of construction is scheduled to launch the network in the test operation, distributing devices 500 volunteers who will actively use the Internet access and services to determine the quality and coverage. Commercial operation scheduled for mid-2010.

Nicaragua - the second after the Belarus foreign market, which came Yota. Proven business model and technology infrastructure, more than 70 models of devices with built-in support for Mobile WiMAX and the unique mobile services, the accumulated expertise - all this makes Yota confidently move into international markets.

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