Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Add Phone Recycling To Your Holiday Checklist

Before, During or After the Holidays, Verizon Wireless’ HopeLine Program Makes Cell Phone Recycling Easy.

BASKING RIDGE, NJ — Whether planning gatherings, shopping for gifts or simply trying to be more environmentally conscious, Verizon Wireless’ HopeLine® cell phone recycling and refurbishing program makes it easy to turn your holiday season “green.”

•Shoppers can drop no-longer-used wireless phones and accessories in any condition and from any service provider in HopeLine collection bins located at all Verizon Wireless Communications Stores nationwide. Use the Verizon Wireless Store Locator to find a store near you (
•Online gift buyers can conveniently donate wireless phones right from home. Reuse boxes from online purchases by filling them with HopeLine donations, then visit to print out a postage-paid mailing label.
•As you plan celebrations with family, coworkers and friends, consider adding a HopeLine phone drive to your festivities. Encourage loved ones to bring old wireless phones to the party and help reduce your inner circle’s carbon footprint.
•Once the holiday festivities are over and you’re ready to recycle old wrapping paper, packaging and other holiday decorations, add no-longer-used wireless phones to the list and keep the spirit of giving after the season is over.
Since 2001, consumers have been invited to donate their unused wireless phones, batteries and accessories to HopeLine. Phones donated to HopeLine that can be refurbished are sold for reuse, and those without value are recycled in an environmentally sound way under a zero landfill policy. Proceeds from HopeLine are used to provide wireless phones to survivors of domestic violence who are rebuilding their lives or cash grants to local shelters and non-profit organizations that focus on domestic violence prevention and awareness. Thanks to the generosity of consumers and businesses who donated phones to HopeLine over the past eight years, Verizon Wireless has:

•Collected nearly 6.5 million phones, keeping them out of landfills
•Recycled more than 1 million phones, saving 2.2 million kilowatt hours of energy – enough energy to power 185 U.S. households with electricity for a year – and 419,000 kilograms of carbon equivalents – the equivalent of removing 282 passenger cars from the road each year
•Recycled more than 170,000 pounds of batteries through the HopeLine program and the Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation’s Call2Recycle™ program for collecting spent rechargeable batteries
•Placed more than 80,000 refurbished phones with more than 240 minutes of prepaid service in shelters around the country for use by domestic violence victims and survivors
For more information about HopeLine or to find tips about adding HopeLine phone recycling to your holiday plans, visit

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