Sunday, December 13, 2009

Nokia against Apple: Apple reply brief ever

The Spartans believed brevity of wit, and Apple has demonstrated its commitment to Spartan values. Press release on account of the company Nokia, accusing Apple of violating intellectual property rights brief to the limit:

"Responding to the process brought against the company by Nokia, Apple today serves a counterclaim, alleging that Nokia has used 13 patents Apple.
"Other companies have to compete with us, inventing their own technology, rather than stealing our", - said Bruce Sewell (Bruce Sewell), general counsel and senior vice president at Apple. »

The network is available and the full text of the counterclaim of Apple, which among other things, and appears under the item number eight, in which Apple accused representatives of Nokia in a frank recognition of copying phone iPhone. According to the version of Apple, in 2007 at the event Nokia GoPlay, executive vice president Anssi Vanyoki (Anssi Vanjoki) said: "If the world has something good, then we are proud to copy it." In these words, Apple saw a desire to copy the design and interface of iPhone.

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