Thursday, January 7, 2010

ABI Research Analysts Offer New Year’s Resolutions on Behalf of Industry

‘Tis the season for New Year’s resolutions. Do the CEOs of major organizations make new year’s resolutions – apart from the one they can’t possibly keep: to “spend more time with the family”?

We don’t know, but in the (however temporary) spirit of rededication that January always brings, ABI Research asked some of its practice directors to put themselves in the shoes of those global decision-makers and answer the question: “If I were in charge of Company X, what would my new year's resolution(s) be?”

The results are presented in a new free White Paper, “ABI Research Practice Directors' ‘New Year's Resolutions’“ that is available for download from the company’s website.

What two must-do items should be included on TV vendors’ New Year’s resolutions?

What initiatives should be part of Nokia’s resolutions (and how do our analysts differ on what they should be?)

What should any CEO in the femtocell market resolve to do?

What resolution should Cisco’s management make regarding the home automation and home energy management market?

What should be included in Steve Jobs’, Jim Balsillie’s and Mike Lazaridis’s resolutions?

What resolution might the heads of Alvarion, Huawei, Motorola, Samsung and ZTE have in common?

And what should US mobile service providers resolve to do about wireless data?

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