Monday, April 12, 2010

[Smartfon] Of blackBerry Of pearl 9105 with the digital keyboard on the photo

We already wrote about the fact that in new [smartfona] Of blackBerry Of pearl 9100 there can be the version with digital keyboard (T9). This model, supposedly, is called BlackBerry Of pearl 9105. And the photograph of this device here now appeared. It is more precise, on it is depicted [smartfon] Of blackBerry Of pearl 9100 with the keyboard Of suretype, Google Of nexus Of one, and also BlackBerry Of pearl 9105 s T9. Last model is very similar to the image- mock-up, which has already been published earlier.

Is assumed that BlackBerry Of pearl 9105 supports honeycomb connection 3G and it is equipped with display with the permission of 360x400 of points, 3,2-[Mp] by camera, Wi-Fi adapter, GPS by receiver and by slot for the maps of the memory of the size of microSD. Between the keyboard and the display is located optical [trekpad]. The release Of blackBerry Of pearl 9105 is expected in May - June, although very company Of research In Of motion of official declaration yet did not make. Let us recall, according to the preliminary data, will be even BlackBerry Of pearl 9100 s OF QWERTY the keyboard

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