Wednesday, July 21, 2010

[Minitsifrozerkalka] Of canon will be competitor to the size Of micro 4/3

The head of the subdivision Of image Of communication Of products of the company Of canon [Masaya] Maeda (Masaya Of maeda) reported that not only the company Of nikon plans the development of the new compact cameras of the class of hi-end. Speaking about an increase in the forecasts on sales to the production of company, Mr. Maeda confirmed that Canon is occupied by the study of the project of new compact camera, which will be [minitsifrozekralnym] camera. He stated: “There is no question to establish or not to establish mirror, there is need of users for good cameras, which must be less”.

“We will satisfy this need”, reported representative Canon. As the thus it is possible to consider that the decision about the creation of ultra-compact [tsifrozerkalnoy] camera in the company is already made. However, to speak about any characteristics and possibilities early. [Masaya] Maeda refused to reveal the detail of project and the projected specifications of camera. So that there remains only to wait, when from Canon enters any information about the already created product.

As far as the competitors of future [minitsifrozerkalki] Of canon are concerned, besides the analogous project Of nikon, on the market is already represented a whole series of the similar solutions. However, it is necessary to note that the models Of micro 4/3 supplied the company Of panasonic and Olympus, and also recently released Of sony NEX do not have a construction with the mirror, and therefore they are not straight competitors.

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