Tuesday, June 14, 2011

J'son & Partners Consulting: The market for mobile advertising and marketing

The company J'son & Partners Consulting presented the results of an updated study of Russian and global markets for mobile advertising and marketing being monitored by it for the past 5 years.

Under the mobile advertising and marketing J'son & Partners Consulting understands the advertising messages sent over mobile communication channels to inform the audience about products and offers companies, advertisers, increase the loyalty of the audience, attracting the attention of users of mobile terminals to the brand.

The company notes that the development of the market for mobile advertising and marketing in Russia is defined by the penetration of cellular communication, technological features of the delivery channels of information and their capacity, as well as the market for mobile devices and their capabilities. In the period 2006-2009. share of smartphones in the market was low, dominated by c wap-phone Internet access, and a key market for mobile advertising and marketing was sms-channel.

There is currently a rapid growth in the smartphone market in 2010 it grew by 50%. J'son & Partners Consulting expects that up to 2011 this market will increase by 75%. Key delivery channels of advertising messages to mobile devices will be determined by this dynamic market.

In 2010, in addition to iOS the Russian market came new platforms such as Android, BADA. In October 2010, Microsoft announced the release of the new operating system Windows Phone 7, which is fundamentally different from the previous family of operating systems, Windows Mobile. In the Russian market smartphones based on the new platform will appear in the second half of 2011. Previous versions of the Windows Mobile operating system gradually withdraw from the market. Terminals with this system will be gradually replaced with new ones - using the Windows Phone 7. According to forecasts J'son & Partners Consulting, by 2012 the combined share of Windows operating systems in the smartphone market would be 12%.

Expansion of the operating system Android, occurring through the efforts of Google and the support of vendors (including HTC), has led to a decrease in the cost of smartphones, has given impetus to a model of consumption devices, has attracted a new audience. According to forecasts J'son & Partners Consulting, Android, and will continue to show impressive growth and will take in 2012 16% of all smartphones, which are in the hands of users.

Until 2010 the Russian market for mobile advertising and marketing developed quite slowly. There were many constraints such as limited marketing channels due to low performance of mobile terminals, mistrust and lack of awareness of advertisers, a small audience of individual channels (despite substantial subscriber base).

In 2010, the main channel for delivering advertising messages are SMS / MMS sending. Then they occupied 40% of the market, although some lost market share in favor of the WAP / mobile internet. But the limited capacity channel in conjunction with certain legislative restrictions on the distribution and ambiguous perceptions of users of a deterrent for the market as a whole.

A marked increase in the smartphone market is definitely a positive impact on the market for mobile advertising and marketing. Increased percentage of mobile-oriented work with the Internet, will change the paradigm for the delivery of advertising on the mobile channel. If for the period until 2010 the main channels of advertising communication with the mobile audience is sending, and others just for specific cellular channels (SMS / MMS, Sell Broadcast), then in 2012, according to forecasts J'son & Partners Consulting, the main channels become a model of online advertising: media advertising (advertising in the display) and search (PPC) advertising. Some specialized communication channels used previously, we estimate, would lose relevance in 2012. In fact, the mobile audience for advertisers to become part of the Internet audience, and it will use the same tools and approaches that in online advertising. In this case, the mobile advertising channel of communication remain the key advantages - opportunity to geo-user, and constant communication with the user (the mobile is always with you).

All market for mobile advertising and marketing made in 2010, 8.4 million dollars. Estimated J'son & Partners Consulting, in 2011 the market will grow by 43%. In the year 2012 is expected to increase by 78%.

J'son & Partners Consulting highlights the following trends in the market for mobile advertising and marketing Rocsii to 2012:

Increase in the proportion of smartphones
Paradigm shift in mobile marketing communication: instead of specific cellular channels using the Internet model, advertising communication with mobile users starts mainly carried out by an advertising model used on the Internet
Extensive use of geo-location targeting and ad campaigns
The increase in video advertising segment in the overall market for mobile advertising and marketing

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