Friday, May 11, 2012

In honor of 20 anniversary of the published version of the browser shooter Wolfenstein 3D

The company id Software decided to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of the cult game Wolfenstein 3D release of its free browser-based version . Recall, this game was released back in 1992 for the operating system DOS. It ushered in a whole category of game - the so-called first person shooters (shooters) "first person". In Wolfenstein 3D the player controls a character - an American spy Bee Jay Blazhkovich (BJ Blazkowicz), who tries to escape from Nazi castle Wolfenstein, he confronted the enemy soldiers and officers, as well as dogs and mutants.

The new browser version of Wolfenstein 3D includes three episodes and 30 levels. In addition, in honor of the twentieth anniversary of the catalog App Store game for iOS will be available free for a limited time. Version for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch includes six original episodes and 60 levels.

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