Sunday, September 30, 2012


The BlackBerry London and Liverpool are the first BlackBerry smartphones with OS BB10 that will debut at the beginning of 2013 and of which we have already seen various videos . Even during the keynote address at Jam Americas in San Jose are several layers shown live demo of how you interact with the new BB10 OS via the touchscreen . The CEO of RIM has given a proper name to the gesture that characterizes the new BB10 OS on handheld touchscreen calling it "BlackBerry Peek".
All gesture of BlackBerry 10 shown in video
A movement from below upwards to put on standby application: the application takes the form of a square named "Active Frame" which we have presented a few weeks ago showing how to put on standby application on BlackBerry 10 . This' missing so far was a complete overview of all available gesture on the new BlackBerry 10 that finally we can see four video guides. The gesture, if still not clear, it is the movements that can perform with one or more 'fingertips, as appropriate, to interact with our touchscreen smartphone.
We can really use our smartphones BB10 with one finger as promised by Thorsten Heins. Let's take a concrete example. If we receive a notification and we want to see if it is interesting or not we have to start by writing down BlackBerry and lightly press the application up and we will shrink with notifications on the left. If we want to access them 'cause expect an urgent message to the right and push the application access that nosttro email, SMS, BBM or whatever. A gesture that is accomplished with a single finger. This' gesture called the "BlackBerry Peek" which falls into the category of "Essential Gesture" that we see in the first video.

Gestures Essentials

Gesture Navigation Base

The gesture based navigation are nothing more than the swipe left or right to scroll through the panels of our desktop where there are all icons of installed programs.
Also interesting is the fact that if we are located on the first panel, making a swipe to the right to instantly access our BlackBerry Hub (or Unified Inbox) where there are collected all the mail messages, BBM chat, SMS, phone calls, etc..

Gestures Settings

The gesture for settings allow us to access the settings of our smartphones when we're on the screens of the desktop or of active frames, or the settings for each application (if applicable) and when 'running.

Gestures Shortcuts

The gesture shortcuts are the more 'innovative you can be nowadays between gesture navigation on handheld touchscreen. They allow you to access the application in a blink of an eye we use more 'on our BlackBerry 10 and that' the Unified Inbox (UIB, ed .) Name and 'then was renamed from Heins at BlackBerry Hub during the presentation of BlackBerry 10 to the Jam Americas in San Jose.
This seems only the first step of a new conception of the operating system no longer 'native to the simple but moving to mobile computing devices, where we bring with us will be more and more of small computers and less and less of smartphones.

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