Monday, April 29, 2013

Samsung Galaxy S4 Korean (SHV-E300S) official firmware is now available

Samsung has just started to push Galaxy S4 (SHV-E300S) firmware to the KIES server as the device is soon going to be launched in various countries. Samsung always releases the firmware before the device itself and it’s the same case with the Galaxy S4 Korean, as well. The firmware is based on Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean with Samsung’s Nature UX 2.0 running on top of it. Currently, Samsung has only released the firmware for China, we hope other countries to follow soon.

Firmware Details:
Android Version: 4.2.2 – Build JDQ39

The Galaxy S4 Korean (SHV-E300S) firmware is available for download from our Firmware Section. Now as the official firmware have been released, it’s going to rain custom ROMs and custom kernels for the Galaxy S4 Korean (SHV-E300S).

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