Thursday, July 25, 2013

Nokia Connects MVC award

Yesterday we invited Mark GuimJenifer Hanen,Clinton JeffJason Goh and Jay Montano to join us at Nokia House in Espoo. They had no idea why we invited them until this morning. Now it’s time to share the news with you!
For years we’ve been blown away by the support, creativity and involvement of the Nokia community. We’ve built amazing friendships, seen jaw-dropping videos and some extraordinary feats of fan dedication.
Liking and sharing all of this isn’t enough though. We want people who are doing amazing things with Nokia to be recognised and appreciated as our Most Valued Connectors (MVCs). We’ll be picking an MVC every month starting from today, and to show our love for them we’ll be taking them on amazing and bespoke experiences… made by Nokia just for you!
Nokia Connects MVC JudgeThat’s where the guys currently in Espoo come in, who will be referred to as our MVC judges from now on, because, that’s right, they will be judging all MVC nominations, not us! So to start things off we have nominated four people for our judges to consider…
1. First up we have Davis Barbars who was a winner of one of our early #NokiaLumiaChallenge competitions, the Nokia paper challenge. As you can see he didn’t waste any time making a scale sized Nokia Lumia. Instead he went all out and turned a door into a giant Nokia Lumia, amazing!
Davis Paper Challenge   Davis
2. Next up we have Germain, a French BMX rider who you may have seen us post about before. What’s cool about this is that Germain came to us saying he wanted to make a video with the Nokia Lumia 800… but we had no idea just how much time and effort was going to go into it, not to mention how talented he is!
3. Now we move onto something huge. You may remember back in April we featured Mansel Kersey who was “Scaling new heights” with a Nokia Lumia 820, by attempting to become part of the first team of climbers the UK to earn the prestigious Snow Leopard Award. For more information about the challenge head over to our interview with Mansel from earlier in the year.
4. Finally here’s something a little different but still a story that we love. It all started on our Trial a Nokia page, where Cliff reached out to us because he was thinking about switching to Lumia. We then helped him out with a trial Nokia Lumia, which not only resulted in him switching, but a number of his family too!

And there you have it, the nominations for the first ever MVC award. We will be announcing the winner on Monday so stay tuned for that. Moving on from Monday it will be up to you to supply Nokia Connects and the judges with your nominations for the MVC award. To nominate yourself or somebody else for the MVC award please either:
  • Send a tweet to @Nokia_Connects with the url to the piece you are nominating + the #NokiaConnectsMVC hashtag (for images, videos or tweets)
  • Send and email to Paul with the title “#NokiaConnectsMVC nomination” (for anything that requires more explanation or back story)

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