Thursday, June 11, 2009

Phones will be able to change its color

American Company Kent Displays Inc. at SID Display Week 2009 provided a technology Electronic Skin, based on the application of cholesteric liquid crystals (ChLCD). Thanks to this technology, the entire corpus of mobile phone turns into a display, but as long as it is unable to project a clear image. Therefore, the company proposes to use this opportunity to change the color of the shell unit. The technology does not impose any restrictions on the shape and size of the device - it is entirely covered with a thin (thickness 65-70 nm) is resistant to damage film.

Shown at the exhibition is easy to sample changes its color when you press a button, while the energy is spent only on the change of color - to further its energy does not require maintenance. There are currently able to receive only 8 monochrome RGB-colors, but the developers are planning the end of the year to expand the range of up to 4000 colors and make the possibility of gradient transitions. Technology Electronic Skin Fujitsu has licensed the company to create a color «Electronic Paper».

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