Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A programmer may receive an official holiday

Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation prepared and submitted to the Government of Russian Federation a draft Decree of the President of Russia «About Programmer Day».

Unofficial «Day Programmer» states in the world for many years at the 256 th day of each year. The number 256 is selected because it is the number of integers that can be expressed by one byte vosmirazryadnogo and also the maximum degree of 2, which is less than 365.

In the preparation of the Draft Decree of the Ministry of specialists were consulted with the national association of trade unions and employers' associations with the All APKIT and Russoft. Take into account the significance of the scope of the state of software development and the significant contribution of this area in the innovative development of Russian Federation. Following discussion it was decided to determine the «Day of the programmer» in Russia in the 256-day year - 13 September, and if a leap year - on September 12. Implementation of the proposed Ordinance would not require additional funding from the federal budget.

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