Friday, October 23, 2009

Phones Samsung, LG, RIM and Sharp will support widgets JIL

Joint Venture Joint Innovation Lab (JIL), organized by the telecommunication operators in China Mobile, SOFTBANK, Verizon Wireless and Vodafone in 2008, supported the largest manufacturers of mobile devices. By the way, the total subscriber base of these four operators around the world (North America, Europe, Asia and Africa) exceeds 1 billion. JIL - a single platform widgets for mobile devices. Moreover, it can be as smart phones and communicators, as well as conventional mobile phones and even middle-class budget. Distribute widgets JIL, which will provide quick access to various services, expected in shops applications operators.

Now the initiative of the company joined Samsung Electronics, LG Electronics, Research in Motion and Sharp. They plan to start producing vehicles with the support of widgets JIL in the first quarter of next year. No specific information about models, their names and characteristics, yet.

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