Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Verizone Wireless is already planning an update for Motorola DROID and HTC DROID Eris?

Resource Phandroid published official documents of the company Verizone Wireless, which showed that it detected problems recently launched in the sale of smartphones series DROID: Motorola DROID and HTC DROID Eris. According to these data for the model Motorola has identified the following weaknesses:
• the Google Maps application is downloaded in a few minutes long and does not show the true position, and gives it to the error. This deficiency is corrected by manual adjustment, but leads to increased battery life;
• not supported by Wi-Fi access to the service Visual Voice Mail;
• not supported email accounts at Yahoo;
• Auto focus does not always work the first time and it is recommended to make a second attempt;
• a number of deficiencies identified in the application synchronization Exchange Active, and its initial configuration can take up to 15 minutes.

Also identified shortcomings in the work with going into included headset and Bluetooth module, sending SMS and MMS messages, as well as automatic activation device when connected to the charge device. Correction of these problems will be conducted in two phases: the first (and really the ultimate) software update will be released on December 11, a second series of edits on January 22. At the deadline assigned to fix most of the shortcomings applications Exchange Active Sync and data transfer Bluetooth.

As for the smartphone HTC DROID Eris, then this unit in addition to similarities with the Motorola problems were identified impossibility stopping player: available only as a "pause", and the function "stop" it. There are also problems in the widgets, and in addition many settings that should work in automatic mode, requiring direct user intervention. Updates for HTC DROID Eris also come out on Dec. 11, 2009 and January 22, 2010.

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