Monday, November 24, 2008

orporativnaya mobile communication as an element of motivation

It has long been known that the penetration of cellular communications in the mass market, Russia has exceeded 100%. In September, the number registered in Russia sim-cards rose to 178 million within corporations, however, this percentage is significantly lower. A study on this issue was devoted to the study, organized by «Beeline» in collaboration with the research agency IMCA: researchers decided to determine the value of corporate cellular communications for employees of companies of different levels.

The study was conducted 20 interviews with members of the Recruitment Agencies, 300 telephone interviews with those responsible for working with staff members of companies and 600 telephone interviews with working individuals with wages of more than 25 TR Moscow and 15 TR in the regions. All polls were held both in Moscow and in different regions across Russia.

Based on the results reached the following conclusions: almost every (86%) company, the state which has more than 50-million-cities in one way or another provides cellular communications staff, two thirds of them use corporate rates, a third - Alternative payment methods Such as an increase in pay, paying bills, etc. If the provision of cellular communications staff about equally distributed in Moscow and in regions that use the corporate rates more often in Moscow.

Cellular provided almost 40% of employees with salaries above average, with less than half of them receive the service as a corporate tariff plan, which is considered more advantageous than the payment of personal numbers. Among those communications shall not be granted, two-thirds say that they need it. This is an example of 39% of employees with salaries above the average. In small businesses (fewer than 50 employees) cellular or given other way (than the corporate rate) or not granted at all. Roughly equal proportions employees or compensate for all costs, either set a limit - an average of 1300-1400 rubles.

All the groups involved in the study (experts, officials and companies) agree that mobile communication is needed to work and to improve the efficiency of labor. Most experts who participated in the survey believed that every year cellular increasingly include sotspaket companies and qualified applicants. The number of workers who pay for communications, rising through the provision of communications staff members with lower status (not only on topam, but also professionals).

The main reason for such momentum for employers is the need for working in cellular communications at low cost to it. However, employers still tend to understate the importance of cellular communication as a tool to retain or attract employees. Despite this, more than half of employees indicate that cellular is an additional advantage in the selection work. And, in addition, the provision of cellular communication (especially in the form of corporate fare) positively correlated with loyalty - staff members who provide mobile communications, rarely expressed the intention to change jobs, as well as more frequent claim that «will never go to work to competitors» and «Other companies need to seriously try to bring them peremanit».

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