Saturday, April 11, 2009

AT&T Increases Reward to $250,000 for Information on Bay Area Network Vandalism

Fiber Cables Cut at Multiple Locations in San Jose and San Carlos, Calif.

AT&T* announced the reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the vandals responsible for damaging fiber optic cables near San Jose and San Carlos, Calif., has been increased to $250,000.

Vandalism to fiber cables in manholes at several locations was discovered early Thursday. The vandalism disrupted service to many area customers and businesses. AT&T crews worked throughout the day to restore service to most customers by late Thursday.

AT&T had announced a $100,000 reward on Thursday but has increased the reward to $250,000 as the full scope of the vandalism became more clear.

“We have zero tolerance for any criminal who would attack our network and the many customers – both consumers and businesses – who depend on the services the network delivers,” said John Stankey, president and chief executive officer of AT&T Operations. “We are aggressively working with law enforcement authorities to see that those responsible for this willful act are apprehended and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”

Following the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, AT&T's networks were declared National Critical Infrastructures in recognition of their importance to the national security. Anyone who tampers with, destroys or disrupts the company’s network or its components is in violation of both federal and state laws.

The vandalism incidents on Thursday involved several manholes at each of two locations: near the intersection of Monterey Highway and Blossom Hill Road overpass in San Jose, and, near the intersection of Old County Road and Varian Road in San Carlos.

Tips can be given to:

San Jose Police Department at 408-277-4161 (ask for Detective Carlos Melo or Detective Dan Phelan)
San Carlos Police Department at 650-802-4423
Anonymous tips for either incident can be made to CrimeStoppers at 408-947-STOP

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