Monday, April 13, 2009

Launched the second international mobile film festival

The operator MTS, the company Universal Pictures Rus and the Union of Cinematographers of Russia came the start of the second annual international mobile film festival, the competition films for not more than five minutes, taken with your mobile phone or camcorder.

To participate in the program are accepted superkorotkometrazhnye films shot by anyone wishing to try their strength. To take part in the festival, it is necessary to June 15, 2009 to place your film in the festival at a special portal / fmk.

Movie party should reflect one or more universal values such as: freedom, love / friendship, family / home, birthplace / patriotism, fairness / generosity, kindness / unselfishness, culture / art / history. Without limiting the scope of genre movies, or a given theme, each of them must disclose and communicate to the viewer ideas, thoughts, feelings, and overlap with the above values. The natural limitation in the selection of films to participate in the Festival is the absence in the film propaganda of violence, pornography, domestic and inter-ethnic strife, religious intolerance.

Until June 15 at / fmk happening online vote, which may take part of any visitor: the competitive films available for viewing for everyone. At the end of the voting by the number of votes obtained shall be determined on 5 bidders for the victory in each of the following categories:
• for best film;
• for the best creative idea;
• Best male role;
• for the best female role.
Selected films into the festival program and will be evaluated by a professional jury. Jury is made up of recognized professionals in various industries: directors, actors, writers, artists, musicians and athletes. Winners in each competition category will receive prizes. The award ceremony will be held in Moscow in the days events XXXI International Moscow Film Festival. In addition, the open voting site / fmk, a movie, have the most votes will receive a prize of spectator sympathies. Special Prize award to the company Universal Pictures Rus.

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