Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Opera Widgets SDK

Opera Widgets are self-contained Web applications built using open Web standards such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Widgets are cross-platform and cross-device, meaning you can deploy them anywhere, from desktop to mobile to TV, and more besides. Opera Widgets will be aligned to the W3C Widgets 1.0 specification when it is finalized, meaning you won’t get locked into a vendor-specific proprietary technology or delivery model. The Opera Widgets SDK is free of charge, and supplies you with the tools, documentation, and JavaScript libraries you need to create your own widgets as easily as possible.

Opera Devices SDK 9.6
The Opera Devices SDK 9.6 allows OEMs to develop custom browsers based on the Presto rendering engine that powers Opera’s range of browsers. Browsers based on the Opera Devices SDK have been deployed on a wide range of products such as TVs, games consoles, media players, Internet tablets and more. Our Web developer documentation highlights the features and functionality available in browsers based on the Opera Devices 9.6 SDK, along with issues you should be aware of to make your site compatible with these devices.

T-Mobile Developer SDK
The T-Mobile Developer SDK is a collection of documents, guidelines, tools and example widgets for developers making widgets for T-Mobile handsets. This SDK extends the Opera Widgets Developer SDK. It contains, among other things, a tailored Widget Emulator that is adapted to the handset environment, and the implementation of the runtime.

The SDK is made available under a specific set of Terms and Conditions set forth by T-Mobile. You will need to agree to the Terms and Conditions before you are permitted to download the SDK package.


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