Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Ericsson's Nomination Committee appointed

Ericsson's (NASDAQ:ERIC) Nomination Committee for the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) 2010 has been appointed in accordance with the procedure on appointing the Nomination Committee resolved by the AGM 2009.

The Nomination Committee consists of Petra Hedengran, Investor AB, Carl-Olof By, AB Industrivärden, Svenska Handelsbankens Pensionsstiftelse and Pensionskassan SHB Försäkringsförening, Caroline af Ugglas, Livförsäkringsaktiebolaget Skandia, Mats Lagerqvist, Swedbank Robur Fonder and Michael Treschow, Chairman of the Board of Directors.

Carl-Olof By is the Chairman of the Nomination Committee.

The decision on procedures for the Nomination Committee can be found in item 9d) in the agenda for the AGM 2009. Minutes of the meeting and agenda for AGM 2009 can be found at

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