Monday, July 27, 2009

Opera Mini users view more than 10 billion pages in one month

Page views jump 8% since May report.

For the first time, Opera Mini users viewed more than 10 billion pages in one month according to the State of the Mobile Web report by Opera. The report provides information on the top global trends affecting the mobile Web. The full report is available from (English only). In addition to the top global trends and country snapshots, the report highlights trends in North America and the Caribbean.

Global trends
In June 2009, Opera Mini had nearly 26.5 million unique consumer users, a 4.2% increase from May 2009 and more than 143% compared to June 2008. These numbers reflect only the Opera Mini users who have specifically chosen to install the browser on their phone.
Those 26.5 million people viewed more than 10.4 billion pages in June 2009. This means that Opera Mini servers were processing more than 346 million pages per day. Since May, page views have gone up 8.4%. Since June 2008, page views have increased 224%.
In June 2009, Opera Mini users generated more than 168.4 million MB of data for operators worldwide. Since May, the data consumed went up by 5.6%. Data in Opera Mini is compressed up to 90%. If this data were uncompressed, Opera Mini users would have viewed almost 1.7 PB of data in June. Since June 2008, data traffic is up 236%.
The top 10 countries for Opera Mini usage this month are (in order): Russia, Indonesia, India, China, Ukraine, South Africa, U.S., U.K., Poland, Nigeria.
In the top 10 list of countries, India continued to move up the rankings overtaking China for third place.
Nokia phones continue to be the handsets of preference for Opera Mini users, with Sony Ericsson claiming second place. BlackBerry and Samsung phones are the preference in the United States.
North America and Caribbean trends
The top 10 countries using Opera Mini in North America and the Caribbean are the United States, Mexico, Canada, Costa Rica, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Martinique, Guadeloupe and Guatemala.
Martinique led the top 10 countries in unique user growth (2746.1%), while Guadaloupe led in page-view growth (a staggering 9804.8%).
Jamaica leads the top 10 countries in page views per user (357). Costa Rica (322) and Guadaloupe (308) are the other two countries with more than 300 page views per user per month.
In North America, BlackBerry handsets are the most popular, while Sony Ericsson handsets are the most popular in the Caribbean by a wide margin.
Google is the number one most visited site in all the countries, with the exception of Costa Rica, where Hi5 takes the number 1 spot.
Facebook remains the most popular social network in North America, while Hi5 is the most popular social network for mobile phones the Caribbean.
Fun facts about Opera Mini:
If every consumer Opera Mini user took a Nokia 6300 (the most popular phone among Opera Mini users) and stacked them vertically, top to bottom, the resulting tower would stretch to the International Space Station and back again...4 times.
Those same 26.5 million phones would stretch almost halfway around the Earth (.44 the equatorial radius).
26.5 million Nokia 6300s outweigh the combined launch weight of a space shuttle with booster rockets and a Boeing 747.

Supporting quote
“More than 10 billion page views in one month underscore that the Web is already the platform of choice for mobile devices," said Jon von Tetzchner, CEO, Opera. "Web standards provide a more efficient way to create flawless sites across all devices. This strategy, called 'One Web', is more important than ever before as more people will view more pages on all manner of mobile phones.”

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