Thursday, July 23, 2009

Terrified Chinese iPhone worker kills himself after prototype misplaced

A Chinese factory worker who reported an upcoming iPhone prototype missing was so scared of the wrath of his bosses and Apple that he committed suicide by jumping out of a 12th-floor window.

Apple's unusually secretive company culture has helped it gain an edge on competitors and maintain unparalleled pre-launch buzz for its products.

However, the death of Sun Danyong, 25, highlights the effect it can have on employees and supply chain workers who are tasked with keeping upcoming products under wraps.

VentureBeat, which broke the news, and Chinese media report that Sun worked at Apple's manufacturing partner Foxconn, based in Shenzhen.

His job involved shipping iPhone prototypes from Foxconn to Apple.

Sun, a recent university graduate, had ordered 16 prototype phones from Foxconn's assembly line on July 9 but, within days, he noticed that one of them was missing.

His apartment was searched by Foxconn employees after he reported the device missing on July 13.

Three days later Sun was dead. Surveillance footage from his apartment showed he had jumped out of a 12th-floor window at 3.30am on July 16.

Some Chinese media reports alleged the apartment search was illegal and quoted former classmates saying that Sun told them he was beaten and harshly interrogated by his superiors.

Apple has confirmed the incident, telling reporters that it was "saddened by the tragic loss of this young employee".

It said it was awaiting the results of the investigation into Sun's death but stressed it required suppliers to treat all workers with "dignity and respect".

Foxconn told Chinese news sites that it apologised for the death and admitted that some of its employees might have used "inappropriate interrogation methods".

A plethora of gadget sites lap up even the most insignificant Apple-related rumours, forcing the company to put extra pressure on partners to maintain its cult of secrecy.

The company reportedly even briefs some staff with deliberately false information so as to catch the source of leaks.

In 2006, the technology world was shocked when Britain's Daily Mail published photographs and details of the harsh working conditions in the Chinese factories where iPods are made.

One, owned by Foxconn and located in Longhua, housed 100 low-paid workers per dorm room with all visits from people outside the plant barred.

Workers toiled for up to 15 hours a day and were ruled with an iron fist by bosses.

A worker told the paper: "It's like being in the army. They make us stand still for hours. If we move we are punished by being made to stand still for longer."

Apple responded by launching a 10-week investigation into the Foxconn plant, which found that, while Foxconn was complying with the "majority" of Apple's policies, some issues needed to be addressed.


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