Thursday, August 13, 2009

n97 gps issue fix

I am talking here as a nokia user for the last 15 years.
Today Nokia SUCKS. Nokia phones today look like they have been created by the bunch of road workes, bakerers, keymakers, sewage cleaners, and not the engeneers. Engeneer would know that if you put hard plastic to cove delicat camera lens, and some dust particle comes in, it would scratch camera. Engeneer would know than 128 Mb ram is NOT ENOUGH for runing multiple applications at the same time. And finally an engeneer would defintively try if GPS is working properly before making, i dont know, million phone units.
As we all know, GPS on n97 is terrible, comparing to n95 and n95.8Gb. (Dont know about others, those two i own).
nokia maps constatnly loosing gps connection, leading to constant recalculation. Totaly useless. I went on geocaching trip other day, carrying my 600 euro handset with me, only to return home because i was unable to find geocache, since gps data is way to inaccurate.
There i lost my temper, and when retuned home decided to dissassemble my N97, and find out if there is something that can be done.

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