Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Intel, CHT WiMAX joint venture plans stalled

A long-awaited WiMAX joint venture between Intel, Chunghwa Telecom (CHT) and the Taiwan government-operated National Development Fund may be put on hold due to unfavorable market situations as well as differing operational concepts between Intel and CHT, according to industry sources in Taiwan.

The planned WiMAX joint venture will perform as a system integrator (SI), focusing on the integration of WiMAX equipment and devices and exporting WiMAX networks on a turn-key basis, Taiwan government officials said earlier.

Since the world economy remains in the doldrums, most telecom service providers worldwide are cautious over the establishment of WiMAX networks, deferring the emergence of the projected demand for turn-key exports of WiMAX network equipment, the sources contended.

In addition to pushing sales of related WiMAX equipment, Intel hoped to sell its own WiMAX solutions through the planned joint venture, while CHT insisted that the SI should offer all kinds of solutions in addition to Intel's products, the source pointed out.

The planned joint venture was originally to be set up at the end of 2008 and was first delayed to June 2009. It now could be further deferred without a concrete schedule until Intel and CHT reach common ground on corporate targets, commended the sources.

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