Friday, September 4, 2009

Taiwan market: Asustek ties up with two carriers to promote Nuvifone G60 and M20 GPS handsets

Asustek Computer has tied up with Taiwan Mobile and Chunghwa Telecom (CHT) to push sales of Garmin-Asus Nuvifone G60 and M20 GPS-enabled handsets, respectively, with aims to ship 10,000 units for each model in the Taiwan market before year-end 2009, according to Benson Lin, president of Asustek's handheld device business unit.

The Garmin-Asus team has no plans to launch other new models for the remaining of 2009 but will focus on the development of Android-based models in 2010, Lin noted, adding that Garmin-Asus is looking to ship one million handsets in the coming year.

Meanwhile, Asustek has suspended shipments of its previous two models, the P835 and P565, Lin stated.

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